Easily find Cycl’Hope in Lalinde ! We are installed in the city, near the church.

Coming from Bergerac

Starting at Bergerac, you have to follow the direction of Lalinde (or Sarlat) for a distance of 20km.

Arriving in Lalinde, go straight to the center, following the direction of Sarlat (Buisson de Cadouin). At the end of the street, you arrive at the church where you turn left on the Boulevard of Stalingrad. Cycl’Hope stays there at 20m on your right.

Coming from Le Buisson de Cadouin

Wherever you start from Périgueux or Sarlat, vous will transit via Le Buisson de Cadouin. Thus, starting from Le Buisson de Cadouin, just follow the direction of Bergerac (Lalinde).

Before arriving at Lalinde, you will pass the bridge over the Dordogne river. Let the church on your right, and continue straightforward as to go to Bergerac. Cycl’Hope stays there at 20m on your right.